Once in a while, one needs to take a broader look of things, even personal finances. To help you see your monthly flow of finances from a higher ground, we made the “river flow” graph.
Category: Tips & Tricks
The River Flow Graph – How Your Money Flows Each Month (iOS)
Once in a while, one needs to take a broader look of things, even personal finances. To help you see your monthly flow of finances from a higher ground, we made the “river flow” graph.
Imagine the money that you earn and spend each month as a system of rivers. It flows in, hopefully rests a bit in a lake of your making, then most of it flows out again to replenish the fields – or yourself and your phone bill. With some good planning you can build yourself a dam and some accumulation lakes on the side, just to be safe if a dry season ever hits you.
The number at the very top is your income, your main inbound stream. If you set up your monthly budget for all expenses, that will be the dam that you constructed. Income flows in and hits the dam. If the income amount is larger than the budget amount, the difference will flow into your savings for the dry months. It’s good to grow an “accumulation lake” or your “savings account” as your less poetic banker would call it.
If the budget is larger than the income, you’re living beyond your means and need to readjust the budget. Or, even better, increase the income if possible.
Beyond your budget dam and monthly money lake, your expenses flow out. The width of the flow represents its size.
The flow in dark red are expenses that have already been made.
The orange flow are your planned expenses, the ones which are coming this month, but have not been due yet.
The green flow is your “left to spend” money. The money that you have already budgeted for, so it should hold by the end of the month, but you have yet to let it flow out of the dam.
If you have not built your dam yet (set up a monthly budget for all expenses), then the flows will simply be going straight down, but their width still representing their size.
If your expense flow is much stronger than the income one, you know the lakes will run dry rather quickly. It’s a situation that should be quickly fixed. Hopefully you’ve accumulated enough in the past to weather through this dry season.
Hopefully, the river flow graph will help you get a good understanding of your money flows and you’ll be able to avoid the dire situations before they occur.
While it’s great seeing these rivers from the top down to manage your money better, it’s even better in first person, leaping down those rapids as the Toshl Monsters see them…
To learn more, check out the Monthly overview and Left to spend blog posts.
The Monthly Overview – Your Personal Finances at a Glance (Web App)
Getting a complete sense of your personal finances is important, even when you just open the app for a quick peek. That’s why we made the Monthly Overview graph. We included the information you need right away and made it easy to go deeper when you need more details.
The Monthly Overview – Your Personal Finances at a Glance (iOS)
Getting a complete sense of your personal finances is important, even when you just open the app for a quick peek. That’s why we made the Monthly Overview graph. We included the information you need right away and made it easy to go deeper when you need more details.
It’s true that this graph contains a few more elements than usual, so there is a bit of a learning curve. But give it a chance, it will make the quick looks at your finances a lot more effective. Here are the main elements:
The “Left to spend” number
As the name implies, this big green number tells you how much money is remaining for you to spend this month. If you have set up a monthly budget, all the expenses in this month will be deducted from the budget amount and what you get is the “Left to spend” number.
For more details on how this number is calculated read the Left to spend blog post, or go to the “River Flow” section in the app menu.
The “Left to spend” progress bar
The green-coloured background of the graph is a progress bar that tells you how much money you have “left to spend”. The length of the graph represents all the money you have “left to spend” in the month. In the beginning of the month, the whole graph is green. But as you add more expenses, it starts shrinking from left towards the right side. Kind of like a glacier. The green lollipop shows you where it ends and tells you how much you have left to spend.
If you surpass the budget amount you have set for yourself, or spend more than you earn, the progress bar will start appearing from the left in red colour, with the red lollipop up front. In that case it will display how much you went over your budget, or overspent your earnings.
The “today” lollipop
You can also see an upside-down lollipop in dark grey with “today” written on it. This lollipop shows current day compared to the time of the entire month. The entire length of the graph represents all the time in the month and the “today” lollipop displays where you are now.
The expense columns
These red columns are daily sums of expenses. They show how much you spent on a given day in the month, telling you when you spent the most and helping you to find the main culprit of overspending. The taller and darker the column, the more was spent.
Quick tip: Tap and hold with your finger on the graph to see the daily details.
Compare the “left to spend” and “today” lollipops
To quickly size up your financial health this month, look at the two lollipops on the graph. The green lollipop tells you how much money you have left to spend, while the grey – today lollipop tells you how much time you have left.
If they’re aligned or almost aligned, you’re right on track so far. You’re on the way to spend the almost exact amount of money you budgeted or earned in this period.
If the today lollipop (grey) is way ahead of the money left lollipop (green), then you’re doing great this month. You’ve spent less than you thought you will in this amount of time. If this happens a lot, perhaps it’s time to lower the budget amount.
If the money left lollipop (green) is way ahead of the today lollipop (grey), then you’re not doing so well with your budget. You’re spending more than was expected. Time to reduce your spending, or if that’s not possible, make the budget amount larger next time.
If the lollipop has already turned to red, you have already spent more than the money you had put in the budget amount. The lollipop simply tells you by how much.
To learn more, check out the Left to spend and River flow graph blog posts.
Left to Spend – The Gist of Your Finances in 1 Number (iOS)
As the name implies, this big green number tells you how much money is remaining for you to spend this month. It gives you a quick information on where you stand financially right now, while keeping your budgeting goals in mind.
If you have set up a monthly budget, all the expenses in this month will be deducted from the budget amount and what you get is the “Left to spend” number.
If you don’t have a monthly budget for all expenses, expenses will be deducted from your incomes this month to get the “left to spend” number.
Left to spend with a monthly budget for all expenses
Left to spend without a monthly budget for all expenses
If you have already spent beyond your means or over budget, the “left to spend” number turns to the red “overspent”. It shows you how far over your monthly budget or your earnings you already went this month.
Left per day
The smaller number below “left to spend” tells you how much you can spend each day by the end of the month to keep your finances aligned with your goals. The number is simply the current “left to spend” number divided by the amount of days remaining in the current financial month.
Reduce spending to
If you have already overspent this month, the smaller number below will turn to the “reduce spending to” mode. This number tells you how much you should have spent per day to get through the month normally. It’s your monthly budget amount or the monthly income (if there is no budget), divided by the number of days in the month.
Including planned expenses – or not
The “left to spend” number can either include planned expenses and incomes – or not. Planned expenses are those which you have already entered in this financial month, but they are still in the future – they haven’t been due yet. These can be regular bills that you know are coming, but haven’t paid yet, incomes that should come in the future, but haven’t yet… You get the idea. You can set these to be included in “left to spend” and all the graphs. Tap the time span & accounts indicator on the top right. In the right sidebar that opens up, tap the name of the month on top. Make sure you’re in the “My financial month” tab. Turn the switch “Show planned expenses in graphs” either ON or OFF. Your wish shall be our command.