Toshl Finance Blog

Hint: Swiping From The Edge Is Better Than Living on It


Our phones’ screens grow larger, yet our thumbs stay the same. How do we then reach the main menu button or the time span and accounts button on the top of the screen?

Worry not. You can easily swipe from anywhere along the left edge of the screen toward right. This will open the main navigation menu.

The same works on the right edge of the screen. Swipe with your finger from anywhere on the rightmost edge of the screen toward left and the accounts and time span sidebar will open. When done, you can simply swipe them back in the opposite direction.

This can make your use of Toshl a lot quicker and more comfortable for your thumbs.

Posted in iOS Tutorials, Tips & Tricks, Tutorials

Easier Upgrades to Toshl Pro with AliPay, Qiwi Wallet, UnionPay, PaySafeCard…

Toshl Pro is an upgrade to the free Toshl which enables many nifty features like adding receipt photos to your expenses and incomes, multiple financial accounts, use of more than 2 budgets and some upcoming top secret features which Toshl monsters are still hiding jealously in their labs.

More information on Toshl Pro

Upgrade to Toshl Pro here


While Toshl Pro has been around for a while, enables us to pay the bills and keep developing the Toshl services, we’ve recently made some updates to how you can get it.

Until now, you could upgrade using in-app purchases on Android, iOS and Windows Phone and on our website with major international credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, Discover, JCB…) and PayPal.

With our latest update in Toshl Pro upgrades, we’ve added some payment options which make upgrading a lot easier in countries where credit cards list above aren’t exactly in everyone’s pocket.

You can now also upgrade to Toshl Pro with:AliPay, IBAN, Maestro card, Paysafecard, Qiwi Wallet, SafetyPay, SEPA Direct Debit, UnionPayAliPay – our most popular payment method in China

International bank transfer (IBAN) – for all the old school banking fans. To be honest, this one might be a bit pricey, depending on how much your bank charges for such transfers.

Maestro cards – debit cards most used in European countries. MasterCard’s debit brother.

Paysafecard – one of the greatest advantages of Paysafecard is that you can simply buy these cards loaded with credit in local stores all around the world with cash.

Qiwi Wallet – very popular payment method in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan…

SafetyPay – in Latin America and elsewhere

SEPA Direct Debit – payment that can draw from bank accounts in the European Union.

UnionPay – Chinese credit card standard


If you don’t see one of these payment methods on the list when upgrading to Pro, make sure you have your country selected in the Settings, as some payment methods are only available in certain countries.

If you have any questions regrading upgrading to Toshl Pro, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Toshl support, we’ll be happy to help.

Posted in Announcements

Hint: Drag the + button to quickly add expenses, incomes and transfers

Toshl 2.0 mobile apps have a useful little trick up their sleeve. No matter where in the app you are, you can quickly add an expense by simply dragging the + button up and to the right in a circular motion. Depending on where you release the button, you can add an expense, income or a transfer.

If you haven’t yet, you can download the Toshl 2 iOS app here.

Posted in iOS Tutorials, Tips & Tricks, Tutorials

Sync Between The Web App and v1 Apps Restored

We have turned on the sync between the new 2.0 apps (v2) for iOS, the web app and the 1.x apps, like the ones on Android and Windows Phone.

sync compatibility

Previously, due to the situation immediately after the launch of 2.0, the syncing flowed only one way, from the v1 apps to v2 apps. Now the data from v2 apps is available in v1 apps as well. Syncing should now also be almost immediate.

We offer our sincere apologies that this took rather long to sort out. Due to some additional difficulties and testing, we needed to enable the full sync gradually to make sure that we caught as many errors as possible and enable seamless syncing.

The categories, tags and accounts from v2 will now show up as the usual tags in the v1 apps.

You will notice that a “Cash” tag has been added to your expenses when displayed in v1 apps. This is because every expense needs to have an account assigned in v2 apps. This account is then displayed as a normal tag in v1 apps. It cannot be removed, but you can assign a different account if you are already using multiple accounts in the v2 apps.

Any expense you add in a v1 app with tags which are categories or accounts in v2 apps will be automatically converted to the correct category/account or kept as tag once it syncs to the v2 apps.

Please keep in mind that only the types of budgets that were available before will sync to the v1 apps.

E.g. v2 budgets for categories cannot sync to v1 apps. Budgets for all expenses or tags will sync normally though.

Transfers between financial accounts will also remain visible only on v2 apps.

Free/Pro limitations of the v1 apps also remain in place. If you have a free account, you might not receive all the incomes or budgets you have set up in v2 apps where these limitations are a bit more relaxed.

Sorry again for the long wait, things will hopefully go smoothly from now on. If you have questions or encounter any difficulties, please contact us via Toshl support or send an email to

The full 2.0 apps for Android and Windows Phone are in development and we expect to release them in the first half of this year.

Posted in Uncategorized

Update 2.0.3 for iOS – Set Your Own Default Screen

Today we released a new update for the iOS app, version 2.0.3 which brings quite a lot of fixes and a larger change as well.


Here’s the quick list of changes:

– Expenses list is the screen that opens when the app is launched
– New setting for selecting the default screen
– Icons for 3D Touch quick actions
– Added “left per day” info to budget details
– Fixed “my financial month” time span display when using a custom financial month starting day
– Bug fixes & stability improvements


The largest change is certainly the first screen that opens when you first open the app. The app now starts with the expense list so you can quickly see what were the previous expenses you’ve entered so you don’t forget about adding any in between. The monthly overview is still available in the top of the menu. For new users of the app, the starting steps will become a bit more optional, part of the exploration of the app to do when extra time is available.


We realise though that the first screen is also a personal preference, depending on what your personal financial goals are. Some prefer to see the ledger of all the entries right away, then again, others would like to see the full monthly picture of their finances that the Monthly overview or River flow graphs provide. Then again, some might want to focus even more on saving and display the budgets immediately.


Whichever your reasons, you can now freely select among the screens to start the app with in the Settings.



The app should update automatically in most cases, if not you can download it from the App Store.

The Toshl 2.0 Android and Windows Phone apps are in the making and are scheduled for release in the first half of the year.


Posted in Announcements