Toshl Finance Blog

Filtering Your Financial Data and Making Needles Easier to Find Than Haystacks (iOS)

We have a bunch of filtering options available in Toshl. Let’s take a look at filtering by account in Toshl iOS app.


Accounts and time span can be accessed by swiping from the right edge of the screen or tapping the time span in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Like so:


Filtering by account

You can enable or disable displaying specific accounts and the entries tied to them. By default ‘All accounts’ are displayed, meaning the app is showing expenses, incomes, budgets, etc. from all accounts.allaccIMG_0114


The active setting is shown under time span in the upper right hand corner of the app, so you can quickly asses which accounts are enabled just by glancing. If more than one account is selected but not all, this will be noted as ‘Custom’.custIMG_0116


If all are disabled , it will be noted as ‘No accounts’. If only one is enabled, it will display the name of that account e.g. ‘Cash’.noaccIMG_0112cashCCIMG_0110


This setting is global and will effect every graph and list in the app – except the budget section. So if you think you are missing some data, check the accounts to make sure.


Quick tip:

  • You can also quickly switch accounts or time spans by swiping the account or month left or right. Open the right sidebar, then grab the red button where it says “All accounts” and flick it left or right. That way you can quickly cycle between accounts without setting ON/OFF switches each time.



Filtering by category, tag and location


Filtering by these other criteria is not (yet) available in the mobile apps, but will likely be in the future. Until then, you can use the web app on to filter by category, tag or locations.

Check out the tutorial for filtering in the web app.




There are also detailed filtering options present on the export & reports screen. These are separate just for data exporting and reports, and are basically all other filtering options merged in one screen.


That’s it! Check out the filtering, play around with it and always remember to keep an extra bussiness card in your wallet! Just in case you’d need another kind of “filter” altogether. ;)

It’s a good idea to have some extra business cards in any case.

Posted in iOS Tutorials, Tips & Tricks, Tutorials