When adding an expense or income in the Toshl apps, there’s a financial account that’s selected by default. You can of course change it to any account you like, but to save time, one is preselected to speed things up. Usually “Cash” will be the default account for manual expenses, this fits most users well.
If this doesn’t fit your workflow, you can easily change the default account that’s suggested.
The financial account that’s listed at top of the account list, is the one that’s suggested by default.
You can change this order by Editing the account list.
- Click “Edit” below the account list.
2. The account list will now show up in Edit mode. Notice the new “reorder” icons to the left of the account titles. You can click and drag this icon to change the order of accounts. Reorder as you like and click “Done” below the list to save.

3. Your new order of accounts is now saved and will be synced across all the devices where you’re logged in to Toshl with the same account. When adding a new entry, the first listed account will be selected by default.