2016 is here!
And with it, once again, a time for quiet contemplation and thoughtful reflection on the past year. Worry not, for Toshl will help you crack down on any remorse generating spendings, chop them up and bury them deep in your subconscience so you can merrily go into the new year with a clean slate.
How, you say? Well, we have been very busy with the new Toshl and there is still plenty of goodies in the making. Android and Windows Phone versions are on the way, as well as wonderful big new features, all of which will be making your finances easier and much more fun. In the meanwhile, you might want to check your last year’s pet peeves when it came to spending and maybe start a new budget or two as a New Year resolution.
Here’s what to do to set yourself on a good path for the future
You will probably want to assess the situation, that is, were you spending too much on certain stuff, what are your goals for the future, do you want to save more this year, etc..
See whether or not you were naughty in the past year
Check out the monthly overview section and play around with the timespan setting.
Here are some detailed posts about this:
The Monthly Overview – Your Personal Finances at a Glance (iOS)
The Monthly Overview – Your Personal Finances at a Glance (Web App)
The river flow graph will also paint a pretty clear picture:
The River Flow Graph – How Your Money Flows Each Month (iOS)
The River Flow Graph – How Your Money Flows Each Month (Web App)
Know who the culprits were
If you were naughty, you will want to know which tags and categories were problematic in the last year. And if you were nice, you will want to check where you could save even more. That’s where the expense graphs come into play. They are located in expenses section in the web app and in their own section on iOS and they will give you a deeper insight into what tags and categories you were spending too much on, or which ones you could save more on.
Expense and income graphs in detail:
Expense and Income Graphs (iOS)
Expense and Income Graphs (Web App)
Crush them! In the name of Toshl!
Finally, to get a better grip on specific tags or categories you would do well to set up a budget or two. The new categories, tags and accounts budgeting options will come in handy for that. A general all expenses budget is also a great tool, since it will give you a chance at saving, just set the amount for income minus how much you want to save and voila, your river graph should look somewhat more interesting in the future.
Check out a few budgeting guides to help you get under way:
How to Set Up Your Budgets and Control Your Spending (iOS)
How to Set Up Your Budgets and Control Your Spending (Web App)
Advanced budgeting:
May the finances be with you!