Toshl Finance Blog

Updates to the Toshl Finance Apps: Import, Toshl Pro, Search on Android

Import financial data into Toshl

We have recently added a much requested feature to the Toshl web app. You can now import your data to Toshl from your CSV, QFX, OFX and QIF files.

This means you can now import financial data you have in other apps, or data that your online bank provides.

The importing process is pretty straightforward: open in your web browser and click the Import data link in the main menu on the left.

Then you can simply drag and drop your CSV, QFX, OFX or QIF files and confirm to import them. The latter three formats will import instantly, since these formats are already well structured for financial information.

CSV (comma separated values) files require an extra step, since the format is more general and the data can be structured in any number of ways.

Capture d'écran 2016-08-01 16.09.13

Worry not, we’ve simplified CSV importing as much as possible. You’ll be shown a preview of the data from your file and you can then choose which fields from the CSV files match which type of data in Toshl. For example, select which field is a date, an expense description or an amount. Once you’ve selected those from the dropdown, you’re all set and can continue with the import.

It’s wise to create a new financial account for the imported data, so it doesn’t mix up with the rest of the data and you can easily turn it OFF or ON in the accounts sidebar.

The import feature is available for both free and Toshl Pro users.


Updated Toshl Pro plans

We have also made some changes to features included in free and Toshl Pro plans. We needed to find a better balance to be able to continue to develop and improve the Toshl Finance apps. Features that have been moved to the Toshl Pro plan are adding of automatically repeating entries, reminders, exporting in formats other than CSV (which remains free) and locking the app with passcode/fingerprint in the mobile apps.

The price of the monthly subscription has increased to $2.99 per month, but the yearly plan will remain priced at $19.99.

While we realise that this might come as an unfortunate surprise for some of you, we hope you can understand that developing and maintaining apps such as Toshl takes significant resources and a good balance needs to be struck so we can continue to offer you these services long into the future. We can only hope that you understand the reasoning behind our decision and continue supporting the development of Toshl. To infinity and beyond!

Toshl Pro pricing / upgrade


Updated Android app (2.0.4)

The Android app received an important update recently. The search functionality has been added, so you can now search for practically any info you would find on an expense, income or transfer.

To improve ergonomics and ease of use, we’ve also added another large Save button to the bottom of all the Add entry screens. It should make things a lot easier, especially for those of you with larger screens, no need to stretch those thumbs anymore!

There are tons of other improvements and fixes, too numerous too list all here. For example, tag selection is no longer cut off on some smaller devices, pull down list to refresh now fetches more data, users in Hong Kong now get the traditional Chinese localisation by default, the expense lists now load much faster…


Download the updated app on Google Play

Toshl Android Monster

Posted in Announcements