Use ALL The Currencies
We’ve made some big changes when it comes to handling foreign currencies. We previously had about 30 currencies pre-entered and with daily updated exchange rates. The rest could be added as a custom currency. Now we’ve greatly expanded that list. Toshl now supports 161 currencies with exchange rates updated daily. We’ve got everything from the Afghan Afgani to the Zimbabwean Dollar. There’s even support for Bitcoin (BTC) if you’re into virtual currencies and the thrilling sport of financial bubble surfing. If you still can’t find your currency on the list among all these, you can still use a custom currency. We dare you. ;)
As the list of currencies got a lot longer we’ve also added search through currencies as well as a nicer currency settings screen so it’s easy to differentiate between the currently active currency and your main currency. Best of all, these settings also sync with the web app now so you’ll never be caught with your pants down when trying to enter an expense during international travel. Unless that’s your thing.
Daily Expense Entry Reminders
Daily reminders have finally come to the Android app. It can be difficult to remember to enter all the expenses you make during the day. You now have the option to set up a daily reminder, at any time you like, so you’ll never forget to enter those expenses.
The Midget Widget
Until now we’ve had a 2×1 widget with a shortcut to add an expense right from your Android desktop. Quite a few people have said that they’d like one in smaller size as well, so their desktops need not be so crowded. Your wish is our command, so we added a 1×1 widget this time around.
Other Fodder
There’s also a lot of other fixes under the hood, things you hopefully won’t notice because everything works so smoothly now. Sync works better, especially on older devices, in-app purchases avoid a delay that would sometimes happen and a plethora of other bugfixes.
We hope you enjoy all the new additions and that you’ll travel enough to try out all the currencies. ;) Download Toshl Finance from Google Play.