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To The Web and Beyond: Enhanced Budgets, History Graphs and Global Setting for Planned Expenses

Budget History Graphs
Ever wondered what was your budget performance in the previous months? It was possible to check before, but the list of previous months could be rather dry. We’ve decided to enhance that and add a little flare with a graph of budget history for the previous months. See how you did, click on the individual month and even check out details for that month.
Expenses Included in the Budget
It’s vital to know which expenses are included in the budget to know where you really went overboard. Now you can have them all listed in the individual budget. Once a budget is selected you’ll see an arrow next to the title, just click it and the list of all the expenses included in the budget will unfold below, just like in the expenses timeline. Too much information? Click it again and the list will collapse again. Toshl will remember your choice for every budget so you won’t be bothered when you don’t need to be.
Show or Hide Planned Expenses in All Graphs and Sums
When it comes to your finances you can’t just live in the moment all the time. Sometimes you need to take a good look into what will be going on in your financial future. With Toshl you can add your regular bills as repeating expenses or just add individual expenses to future dates for things you already know you will need to purchase in the future.
But when it comes to displaying that information you can have a bit of a dilemma. Do I want to see the state of my finances right now, or include all my expectations for the rest of the month as well? Now you can choose. Just click on the name of the month and on the bottom of the overlay you’ll see “Include planned expenses in graphs and sums” and an ON/OFF button next to it. When it’s ON all your future expenses will be included in the graphs, expense, income and balance sums, as well as the budgets.
It’s a global setting for the whole site so you only need to click once and we’ll remember your preference for the next time you log in.
Minor enhancements
We’ve fixed and improved a great number of other things you might not notice at first glance, but count nonetheless. When you log in with Google we’ll remember you if you remain logged in with Google, so you need not click the log in button every time. Chinese characters again work well in exported PDFs, Hebrew is nicer in the graphs, email notifications work better and the list of enhancements goes on and on way past the event horizon.

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