Getting control of your finances just got a whole lot easier. Toshl can now connect to 3000 more banks and financial services around the world, bringing the total to about 13 000 financial institutions worldwide.
To the already available banks in the United States and Canada, we’ve added many new connections in Australia, Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom and many more countries. In fact, connections are now available in 60 countries.
Check out the list of available bank connections and countries.

How does it work?
- Find your bank, credit card or financial account in the list of bank connections. You can browse by country. First, 12 popular institutions in the country will show up. There’s also a full alphabetical list of available banks below. You can also use search on top to look for your bank by name.
- Connect to your account. In most cases this requires entering the username and password or connecting by being redirected to the bank/service’s page to log in. Some banks may require additional security steps.
- Choose the date, from when on would you like the data imported. This is important if you’ve been tracking some of these accounts manually before. Pick a date from when on you’d like to switch to automatic and import from there on. How much past data is available varies from bank to bank, it’s most often 2 past months.
- See the incomes and expenses fly in! In a few moments, your financial accounts and transactions will be imported from your account, automatically categorized and tagged.

Privacy & Security
Toshl is dedicated to protecting your data and your privacy. You can read more about our policies and precautions we take on our Privacy Policy page.
We work with reliable fintech partners to enable the bank connections. These companies are Salt Edge and Plaid. Plaid mostly covers connections in the US and Canada while Salt Edge provides integrations most of the other connections around the world.
When you enter your bank credentials to connect, Toshl itself does not see or store the credentials. They are saved and kept safe by our connection partners. This is needed to enable the bank connection to keep automatically updating with new data in the background. When you remove the connection, the credentials are deleted as well.
As banks in the European Union (due to PSD2 legislation) and around the world add official APIs (automatic connections), we’ll be updating our connections to support the new authentication and connection methods. With those methods, saving the credentials will no longer be required, as authentication will happen directly with your bank. We’re very much looking forward to these developments.
To connect your bank, open the Bank connections section in the Toshl Finance Android, iOS or web app.
The automatic bank connections are available to Toshl users with the Toshl Medici subscription plan. See the pricing and all the features that become available with the upgrade. A free 30 day trial is available.