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Transfers Improved. Repeats, Descriptions and Reminders Added.

We’re constantly improving the Toshl apps, so here’s a little something we’ve improved on lately: we have added new options to transfers between financial accounts.
Automatic repeats
The transfers can now be set to repeat automatically, with the same options as with expenses and incomes. They can repeat daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, on weekdays or weekend days. You can even add a custom repeating period. That way, the transfer can repeat every x weeks, every y months… However you like. The repeats can go on forever until you stop them, stop at a certain date, or stop after a set number of repetitions were made.
If you’re making the transfer yourself, you’ll probably need to be reminded to do so. You can set up Toshl to remind you before the transfer is due, on the day, or pretty much any time you like. Even if the transfer is done automatically, a reminder on the day might still be useful, so your conscious of the transfer and can make sure your account balance doesn’t dip into negative territory.
Pretty straightforward really. If you’d like to add more information on what this transfer between accounts was about, just add the description for future reference. If not remembering your financial transfers is only a part of a larger memory problem, using reminders in combination with a Ginkgo biloba tree extract might be a more thorough solution. ;)
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