The more information you keep on your earning and spending habits, the easier it is to take control of your personal finances. In the following paragraphs we will take a closer look on how to record where exactly your spending takes place.
Remember, adding extra information to either incomes or expenses is done in the same way. We’ll show you how to do this for an expense, but you would add location information to an income in an identical fashion.
1. Selecting the Location tab
After you have entered the amount for your expense and selected a category, click the “Show more” button on the bottom of the expense window.
Location option is the first optional feature in the extended view.
2. Entering the location details
Select the newly shown tab to receive a list of suggestions on your current location. This list depends on the location information that your web browser can obtain at the time. By default you will see the venues in your vicinity. If the location you’re searching for isn’t on the list, or if you are recording a past expense, enter it manually.
Let’s say that, for example, you bought a pair of running shoes. You can enter the store’s name and the app will provide a list of options. Another option is to enter the name of the venue, add a comma (,), and type in the town or city where the expense took place. Check this guide on the use of a comma with locations.
3. Reviewing locations
The Locations tab in the main menu displays a map with all the recorded expenses with stored locations. Clicking on a mark on the map brings up a bubble with the amount that was spent there.
From here you can review the expenses in detail just like in the main Expenses menu. Select an expense from the list to see additional information, as well as the exact location on a mini map.
If you wish to learn more about using locations with your incomes and expenses in the Toshl app, check our Location, Location, Location! guide.
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