Spremljaj vse kartice in denar
na enem mestu.

Poveži svoje finančne račune ali vnesi strošek s hitrimi in enostavnimi Toshl aplikacijami. Toshl ti pomaga s finančnimi sredstvi, da se ti lahko osredotočiš na cilje.

Začni brezplačni preizkus

Toshl reče,
kam denar odteče.

Rečni tok
Mesečni pregled

Denar priteče, vprašanje je, kam nato odteče? Pobližje spoznaj svoje finančne tokove v trenutnem mesecu ali v daljšem obdobju. Uredi proračune in varčevalne račune, da ne odteče prehitro.

Izvedi več

Kot bi mignil lahko preveriš koliko denarja si porabil(a) v primerjavi s časom, ki je že pretekel v tem mesecu. Dodaj še glavni mesečni proračun in takoj ti bo jasno, koliko ta mesec še "Ostaja za potrošnjo".

Izvedi več

Uči se iz preteklosti, načrtuj prihodnost. Spoznaj sliko svojih financ v daljših časovnih obdobjih. Preuči bilance iz preteklih mesecev, zapravljanje za posamezne kategorije stroškov in se čudi rasti svojega premoženja skozi čas. Vsaj upamo, da je temu tako.

Izvedi več

Veš kam gre tvoj denar vsak mesec? Razčleni po kategoriji, tagih in odkrij v katera brezna tone.

Izvedi več

Postavi svojo potrošnjo na zemljevid. Zemljevid le za tvoje oči. Spoznaj seštevke po posamezni trgovini, restavraciji ali baru in končno ugotovi, zakaj si pri natakarjih tako v čislih.

Izvedi več

Vnos podatkov. Simpl' ko pasulj.

Vnesi v aplikaciji

4 hitri kliki za dodajanje stroška ali prihodka

Izvedi več:  Dodajanje vnosov

Uvozi iz datotek

8 formatov datotek za uvoz podatkov podprtih

Izvedi več:  Uvoz

Zaupajo mu

Wendy Naze
Dec 30, 2019 Google Play
I love this app. Helps me stay on top of my finances. I manually enter everything, only takes maybe 5 minutes a day. Really helping me get ahead.
Jorge Luis Botero B.
Jan 5, 2020 Google Play
Simply the best app in the market. I have tried all of them, after the messy collapse of MoneyManager EX I had to hunt for a true replacement and after months of frustration and lost money in other apps, I finally found this wonderful Toshl: clear and customizable, affordable price and amazing budgeting, cashflow and visualization features. This is one of the few apps that I am truly happy to pay for! Please never disappoint us Toshl team!! We love you
MaryG Waithaka
Aug 28, 2019 Google Play
I. Love. It! I know exactly how much I spend on everything!! Everyone should have this app #enoughsaid
Akmal Irfan
Jun 17, 2019 Twitter
I can now split my expenses on @Toshl. This is useful for putting different items into different categories when shopping at a hypermarket for example.
    Gustavo Russo
    Dec 21, 2019 Google Play
    Excelente app simple intuitiva y el flujo de dinero es lo más!
    Hugo 53
    Jan 6, 2020 App Store
    Great app for maintaining my expenses on a month by month basis. Expenses are entered on the go and then exports a monthly report for easy printing. I have used Toshl for many years and plan to continue for many more.
    Kate Cygnar
    Oct 27, 2019 Google Play
    Developers are very responsive to user feedback and suggestions, and it shows with the very user-friendly interface and feature-rich app.
    ကို ဇေယျ
    Dec 31, 2019 Google Play
    It's made budgeting so much easier!
    Sieg Prigge
    Oct 21, 2019 Twitter
    Use a budget tracker like @Toshl to track your monthly expenses. You will be surprised at the difference between what you think you spend and what you actually spend per month on certain categories #Toshl
      Conor Walsh
      Dec 19, 2019 Interview
      A great finance tracking app, Toshl is linked to all my online bank accounts and Paypal. It automatically tracks all my income and expenses, excluding cash & MPESA mobile money, in any currency.
        Jan 1, 2020 App Store
        Maan Mohammad
        Dec 19, 2019 Google Play
        App is great and all, I wish it had an option of linking two or more accounts together to track couple/group spending from joint accounts..
        Juan Antonio Cruz Soler
        Dec 17, 2019 Google Play
        Fantastic automated finance management app .My 5 * for you the great subscription subscription would be great to be able to link options such as stocks, forex etc ... All kinds of investments ... Thank you Toshl team app.
        Аня Аня
        Dec 13, 2019 Google Play
        Приложение отличное! Приятное глазу оформление, простота использования, достойный функционал. Правда, что бы было просто, надо сначала посидеть и разобраться :) Очень жалко, что нет мануала на русском. Но и с автоматическим переводом страницы в браузере многое становится понятнее и проще. ...
        Ali Tagizade
        Dec 6, 2019 Google Play
        My life saving app! It changed the way I handle money. Every expense is quickly added on my phone via the widget. I willingly pay the small yearly fee for the pro version which opens up the recurring transaction addition. Big thanks to the talented developers!
        Chavdar Chenkov
        Sep 27, 2019 Facebook
        Great support and amazing app! I am really happy with all bank connections and auto update of my accounts! Good job guys!
        Prikaži več

        Toshl ima piškotke. Bi kakšnega?

        Piškotke uporabljamo za zbiranje statistike o uporabi, omogočajo hitrejšo prijavo in pomagajo pri oglaševalskih kampanijah. Naša Politika zasebnosti.
