Tutorials for the Web App
The Web App works best on desktop, laptop computers as well as on tablet computers. Just remember to save it to your home screen.
How to Set Up Your Finances
- Add and edit financial accounts
- Reconcile balances
- Pay off credit cards each month
- Note down ATM withdrawals
- Check up on categories and tags
- Add repeating incomes and expenses
How to Set Up Your Budgets and Control Your Spending
- Set up a monthly budget for all expenses
- Set up monthly budget for categories
- Learn how the monthly budgets play together to give you a complete picture of your finances
- Find out about other budget types and how to set them up to fit your needs
How to Use The Budgets
- Basic properties of each budget, what do all the icons and numbers mean
- How the budget graph works
- The “lollipops” and how they represent the financial health of the budget
- Budget history graph
- Budget list and why some budgets are displayed differently tahn others
Left to Spend – The Gist of Your Finances in One Number
- Where this number comes from
- How to make it your general monthly balance, or include the monthly budget in “Left to spend”
- Overspending
- Left per day
- Include the planned – future expenses in the number or just up to today
The Monthly Overview – Your Personal Finances at a Glance
- How the graph works
- The “lollipops” and how they represent your financial health this month at a glance
- Why clicking and holding the cursor on this graph is a good idea
The River Flow Graph – How Your Money Flows Each Month
- Flows on the graph, what do they mean
- What do rivers and dams have to do with it
- First person video of swimming in your financial flows
How to Add and Track Expenses, Incomes and Transfers
- Step-by-step on how to track your finances
- Review of features like currencies, calculator, etc.
- Learn how to review and edit your data
Add Venues and Locations to Your Expense Tracking
- Record locations where your money ofter disappears
- Track your spending all over the globe
- Create a cool map with pretty markers
Organize Bills and Salary by Repeating Entries Automatically
- Learn how to set recurring entries
- Automate, so you don’t have to worry
- Check the examples for inspiration and ideas
How to Set Reminders for Upcoming Bills, Incomes and Make Sure You Pay Them
- Set a reminder and never miss a payment or transfer
- Up to 5 alerts for each entry
- Daily reminders to enter expenses
Save Photos of Receipts and Invoices with Your Expenses
- Save photos of receipts for additional information
- Up to 4 photos per entry
- Ferryboat inside
Expense and Income Graphs
- Category donut graph (pie chart)
- Tag bubble graph
- List of expenses, incomes and how to sort them by category or tags
- Filtering all the data in Toshl by financial account, category, tag or location
My Financial Month & Time Spans
- How to move through months
- Set up when you want your financial month to start
- See custom time spans for multiple past months, years or any period
Edit Categories and Tags
- Basic rules of categories and tags
- How to add, edit, delete or rename a category or tag
- Merge categories and tags
- Convert tags to accounts
Location, Location, Location! Expense! Location.
- Add locations to your expenses
- Where the location names come from
- Add location data for places far from your current location
- Make a map of your spending
- Filter everyhting in Toshl by location
Financial Data Exports
- How to export all data or narrow it down
- Available formats
- Export for a custom time span (date range)
- Export for custom accounts, categories, tags or locations
How to Set Up Automatic Monthly Financial Reports
- Basic set up
- Multiple destination emails
- Filter data for reports
- Report file formats available
Language and Regional Settings in Toshl Finance
- Available web app languages and how to change them
- Changing the language in the mobile apps
- Changing regional formatting (for dates, decimal symbols etc.)
Currencies in Toshl Finance – Ounces of Gold Welcome
- Add expenses in foreign currencies
- Currencies available
- Exchange rate refresh times & historical rate data
- Exchange rates on repeating expenses
- Active currency vs. main currency
- Change the main currency
Emojify Your Finances
- Add emoji to your categories and tags
How to Track Loans, Repay Debts and Deal with Your Friendly Neighbourhood Loanshark
- Track major debt repayments
- Track small loans to friends
- Hang out with your loanshark
Financial Planning
- Explore your spending and earning patterns in the past
- See how your net worth accumulates (or dissipates)
- Filter the graph to show only specific categories, tags, financial accounts or locations
- Plan for the future with estimates and planned entries
Track Credit Cards
- Add credit card accounts
- Add expenses and check balances
- Set up automatic transfers from your bank to credit card account
How to Split Your Expenses or Incomes
- Split your expense (income) into specific categories and tags
- Track your shared purchases, loans, refunds or cashbacks
- Split your expense (income) in foreign currency
How to Set Up Your Finances with Bank Connections
- Add your automatic financial accounts
- Review and correct entries from automatic financial accounts
- Track cash and manual accounts
- Set up budgets to control your spending
- Take a look at handy graphs
Tutorials for The Android and iOS Apps

How to Set Up Your Finances
- Add and edit financial accounts
- Reconcile balances
- Pay off credit cards each month
- Note down ATM withdrawals
- Check up on categories and tags
- Add repeating incomes and expenses
How to Set Up Your Budgets and Control Your Spending
- Set up a monthly budget for all expenses
- Set up monthly budget for categories
- Learn how the monthly budgets play together to give you a complete picture of your finances
- Find out about other budget types and how to set them up to fit your needs
How to Use The Budgets
- Basic properties of each budget, what do all the icons and numbers mean
- How the budget graph works
- The “lollipops” and how they represent the financial health of the budget
- Budget history graph
- Budget list and why some budgets are displayed differently tahn others
Left to Spend – The Gist of Your Finances in One Number
- Where this number comes from
- How to make it your general monthly balance, or include the monthly budget in “Left to spend”
- Overspending
- Left per day
- Include the planned – future expenses in the number or just up to today
The Monthly Overview – Your Personal Finances at a Glance
- How the graph works
- The “lollipops” and how they represent your financial health this month at a glance
- Why tapping and holding on this graph is a good idea
The River Flow Graph – How Your Money Flows Each Month
- Flows on the graph, what do they mean
- What do rivers and dams have to do with it
- First person video of swimming in your financial flows
How to Add and Track Expenses, Incomes and Transfers
- Step-by-step on how to track your finances
- Review of features like currencies, calculator, etc.
- Learn how to review and edit your data
Add Venues and Locations to Your Expense Tracking
- Record locations where your money ofter disappears
- Track your spending all over the globe
- Create a cool map with pretty markers
Organize Bills and Salary by Repeating Entries Automatically
- Learn how to set recurring entries
- Automate, so you don’t have to worry
- Check the examples for inspiration and ideas
How to Set Reminders for Upcoming Bills, Incomes and Make Sure You Pay Them
- Set a reminder and never miss a payment or transfer
- Up to 5 alerts for each entry
- Daily reminders to enter expenses
Save Photos of Receipts and Invoices with Your Expenses
- Save photos of receipts for additional information
- Up to 4 photos per entry
- Ferryboat inside
Expense and Income Graphs
- Category donut graph (pie chart)
- Tag bubble graph
- List of expenses, incomes and how to sort them by category or tags
- Filtering all the data in Toshl by financial account, category, tag or location
Expense and Income Lists
- Icons next to expenses and incomes, what do they mean
- Activate quick actions on the list by swiping
- What are “planned” expenses
- Sort by date or category
- Search expenses and incomes
- Filter all entries by account or time
My Financial Month & Time Spans
- How to move through months
- Set up when you want your financial month to start
- See custom time spans for multiple past months, years or any period
Location, Location, Location! Expense! Location.
- Add locations to your expenses
- Where the location names come from
- Make a map of your spending
Financial Data Exports
Coming soon to Android, available on iOS and in Web app
- How to export all data or narrow it down
- Available formats
- Export for a custom time span (date range)
- Export for custom accounts, categories or tags
Currencies in Toshl Finance – Ounces of Gold Welcome
- Add expenses in foreign currencies
- Currencies available
- Exchange rate refresh times & historical rate data
- Exchange rates on repeating expenses
- Active currency vs. main currency
- Change the main currency
Drag the + button to quickly add expenses, incomes and transactions
- How to add different types of entries from anywhere in the app
Swiping From The Edge Is Better Than Living on It
- Swipe form the side edges of the screen to easily access the main navigation menu and the accounts sidebar
Filtering Your Financial Data and Making Needles Easier to Find Than Haystacks
- How to filter any data in Toshl by financial account, time span or by categories and tags (in the web app).
Emojify Your Finances
- Add emoji to your categories and tags
How to Track Loans, Repay Debts and Deal with Your Friendly Neighbourhood Loanshark
- Track major debt repayments
- Track small loans to friends
- Hang out with your loanshark
Track Credit Cards
- Add credit card accounts
- Add expenses and check balances
- Set up automatic transfers from your bank to credit card account
How to Split Your Expenses or Incomes
- Split your expense (income) into specific categories and tags
- Track your shared purchases, loans, refunds or cashbacks
- Split your expense (income) in foreign currency
How to Set Up Your Finances with Bank Connections
- Add your automatic financial accounts
- Review and correct entries from automatic financial accounts
- Track cash and manual accounts
- Set up budgets to control your spending
- Take a look at handy graphs